Why Create a Web Site Where It is All About Reaching Out to Others?
There are many people in this world who need our help. It may be people in our own family, our next-door neighbor, someone in a different town or state, or people from another country. No matter where we are in this world, there are people we can reach out to help them in different ways.
As human beings, we have many goals in life. Our goals may be to get married, to have children, to live in a certain area, to work in a certain place of employment, to make so much money, etc. These are great goals to work on and hopefully achieve in life. But, do we have any goals related to helping others? Are we looking out to feed those who are hungry, to clothe those who need clothing, to give shelter to those who need a home, to visit those in prison, to care for the sick, to give a drink to those who are thirsty?
My (shortened) Testimony
I am part of a group at St. John the Evangelist in Yardley, PA (USA) called Christ Renews His Parish. Christ Renews His Parish is a spiritual renewal weekend which our group participated in February 2015. This retreat gave us the opportunity to read scripture, talk about our faith, and deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ. After this retreat our group's goals are to continue developing our personal relationships with Jesus Christ and to get other members of our church to participate in Christ Renews His Parish starting in October 2015. Through this process we will hopefully be able to get more and more people working on deepening their personal relationship with Jesus Christ!
When my Brothers in Christ and I give a retreat to other members of our church in October, each of us will be giving a Witness, which is a testimony about our life and about a certain faith topic. My Witness is about Christian Awareness. In the faith section of Eternal World Television Network's (EWTN) web site, they indicate that Christian Awareness involves making observations about things around us, judging how those things are ordered and, ultimately, taking necessary action when our judgment tells us that something needs to reordered to God. Christian Awareness comes down to three things ... Observation, Judgment, Action.
I have been Christian my entire life and I have reached out to help many people in a number of ways since I was very young, but I have done much more of this during the past 14 years. During this time I feel like I have been a true Disciple of Jesus Christ. Don't get me wrong, I am a sinner and I ask God for His forgiveness when I sin. But, my faith journey during this time has helped me develop my relationship with Jesus Christ and it has helped me to see through a different set of lenses when it comes to my faith and reaching out to others.
This is me and a Bahamian girl who lives at the home where this picture was taken. Other volunteers and I built this picnic table using a set of directions we found on the Internet. The time we spent on this table was definitely time well spent! This picnic table gives the children who live here the opportunity to bring their meal outside and eat it at this table with family and friends.
One of my goals in life, and probably the most important one, is to get to heaven. The ways that I am trying to achieve this goal involve the following:
1) John 3:16 in the Bible 2) Ask God for forgiveness when I sin 3) Christian Awareness
The handbook that my Brothers in Christ and I use for the Christ Renews His Parish retreat talks about Christian Awareness several ways.
1) "A Disciple is one who is able to put the full range of one's experiences at the disposal of others who desire to grow in faith." 2) "To know your faith is primarily to know your Lord. To know Him personally - not just to know about Him. To be committed to your faith is to be committed to the person of Jesus." 3) "We need to show people the presence of God in their lives."
For me, it is all about living my life as Jesus Christ did. I want to be the one who reaches out to others in any way that I can. I want to do it now and until the day that I die.